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File: AE – School District Goals and Objectives


The Board of Directors of Maine School Administrative District No. 75 recognizes its responsibilities to set goals for the effective operation of the School District. In discharging this responsibility, the Board will strive to ensure that the resources of the District are directed toward meeting the educational needs of each student.


The Board will develop and maintain a vision to provide a context within which short-range planning can be formulated.


Annual goals consistent with the Board’s vision will be developed based on input solicited from a variety of sources. These goals will be shared with the community, the staff and the students. The administrative will develop appropriate objectives designed to achieve the stated priorities.


The Board will regularly review the progress toward meeting the goals and will adopt appropriate policies designed to facilitate their accomplishment.


FIRST READING: December 8, 1994

SECOND READING: January 19, 1995

ADOPTION: January 19, 1995