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File: AFD – Evaluation of Support Staff


The Board expects all District employees to make a constant effort toward improvement in their work. To encourage this, a system for fair and effective supervision and evaluation shall be maintained.

Each non-instructional employee shall be supervised continually and evaluated annually by his/her supervisor. Evaluations shall be made in writing, on official forms, and shall be submitted to the Superintendent of Schools. Each employee shall be informed of the results of the evaluation in an annual conference with his/her supervisor. The deadline for filing of evaluations shall be June 1 of each year.

Probationary employees shall be evaluated at the end of the probationary period prior to their being recommended for permanent placement.

The Superintendent shall maintain a confidential personnel file of all pertinent data relating to each employee.


FIRST READING: October 8, 1987

SECOND READING: October 20, 1987

ADOPTION: October 20, 1987