File BBBAB: Student Representatives to the School Board
The M.S.A.D. No. 75 Board of Directors recognizes the value of a student voice in the governance of the school system and encourages student participation through the position of student representative to the Board of Directors. Student representatives will serve as liaison between the school and the Board.
The Board will have two (2) two-year student representatives. To qualify, the students must be enrolled full time at Mt. Ararat High School to qualify as a junior. The high school Student Senate will choose a junior to the Board. The junior will serve a two-year term. Thereafter, a junior will be chosen annually by the student government each fall to a two-year term. Upon being chosen as representatives, the students will be given a Board mentor to provide orientation and support to both representatives. The Board mentor will be nominated and approved at an April Board meeting, with a different mentor selected each year. When possible, the mentor will have served on the Board for a minimum of a year.
Student representatives will have seats at the table of all Board meetings and will have access to all non-confidential meeting materials. They will be encouraged to share their viewpoints in the same manner as the elected Board members. They will have all privileges of elected Board members with the exception of a counted vote and attendance at executive sessions or confidential meetings. Student representatives also have a seat at all Board sub-committees, if they wish to attend. Regular attendance at Board meetings is an expectation.
Student representatives to the Board will earn one-half (1/2) course credit for two years of participation on the Board.
FIRST READING: | February 17, 2005 |
SECOND READING: | March 10, 2005 |
ADOPTION: | March 10, 2005 |
FIRST READING OF REVISIONS: | September 24, 2020 |
ADOPTION OF REVISIONS: | October 8, 2020 |