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File BDDD:Voting Method



The Board shall apportion 1,000 votes among all the members of the Board. The ratio of the number of votes cast by the Directors representing a municipality in relation to the number 1,000 shall be the same ratio to the nearest whole number as the population of the municipality is in relation to the population of all municipalities in the District, as determined by the Federal Decennial Census.

To assure the use of whole numbers, the 1,000 votes apportioned among Board members may be increased or decreased by not more than five (5) votes.

In a municipality served by two or more Directors the votes cast by them shall be divided equally among them.

Voting shall be by show of hands ordinarily. Voting shall be done by roll call at the direction of the presiding officer, or at the request of any Board member. The outcome of each vote shall be recorded by stating the number of "yeas" and the number of "nays;" and the names of those abstaining from voting shall be recorded. When voting by roll call, the names of the members shall be called alphabetically; and each member shall respond "yea" or "nay" or "not voting." The roll call vote shall be recorded in the minutes. A majority vote is required to pass a motion.

The Chair has the same right to vote as any other member. The Superintendent shall serve as secretary and has no voting privilege.

Maine public officials are obliged to vote openly; thus, secret ballots are not to be used by the School Board.

A majority of the Board of Directors in number and voting power shall be a quorum. A quorum shall consist of eight (8) Board members having a total of 501 (weighted) votes.







Bowdoin               3,136                           15.10                       151                2                         76


Bowdoinham        3,047                           14.66                       147                2                         74


Harpswell              5,031                           24.22                       242                4                         61


Topsham                9,560                           46.02                       460                6                         76


                            20,774                          100.00                    1,000             14                     1,000



ADOPTED:                                                               March 26, 1981

AMENDED:                                                              March 14, 1991

FIRST READING OF AMENDMENTS:              May 9, 2002


ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS:                        May 23, 2002

FIRST READING OF REVISIONS:                      January 26, 2012

SECOND READING OF REVISIONS:                 February 9, 2012

ADOPTION OF REVISIONS:                                February 9, 2012

FIRST READING OF REVISIONS:                     September 26, 2019

SECOND READING OF REVISIONS:                 October 10, 2019

ADOPTION OF REVISIONS:                                October 10, 2019

FIRST READING OF AMENDMENTS:              October 21, 2021

SECOND READING OF AMENDMENTS:         waived October 21, 2021

ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS:                        October 21, 2021