File CBI-R: Evaluation of the Superintendent Process
Evaluation Goal Setting: July/ August/September
- In August the School Board and Administration will set the District Goals.
- The Superintendent presents his/her preliminary goals (between 3 and 6) with associated completion dates to the Superintendent Evaluation Committee (SEC). The Superintendent’s goals and objectives are to be based on the District Goals and the prior year’s evaluation of the Superintendent. All goals are to be measurable. At this time the SEC and the Superintendent confirm understanding of the evaluation process for the year.
- In executive session the Superintendent presents his finalized personal and/or professional goals and objectives to the full Board.
Mid Year performance/evaluation Review – January
In an executive session the Superintendent reports on the progress toward his/her goals and his/her evidence of work on each of his/her personal and/or professional goals and objectives. This is an opportunity to strategize and discuss unexpected challenges as well as to determine if any mid-year evaluation and/or surveys are to be completed. After immediate completion of the executive session, the Full Board votes whether or not to conduct any mid-year evaluation tasks.
Collecting Performance Data – May
- The Superintendent prepares his/her written self-assessment of personal and/or professional goals and objectives as well as a report on progress toward District Goals.
- The Superintendent administers a 360 performance feedback survey to employees that directly report to the Superintendent (Administrative Assistant, Principal of each school, Human Resources Director, Business Manager, Technology Director, Special Education Director, Adult Education Director, Facilities Director and Assistant Superintendent.)
- State/County superintendent compensation data collected.
Final Evaluation - June
- In an executive session the School Board, with the Superintendent, reviews the Superintendent’s self-evaluation (including results from the 360 evaluation); evidence of progress on personal and/or professional goals and objectives, and progress towards District goals. During this session, all Board Members will be asked to complete an evaluation instrument regarding the performance of the Superintendent to be completed and turned into the Chair of SEC within one week of this session. The SEC chair will facilitate the session. (NOTE: It is suggested that this executive session be held as a Special Board Meeting due to the length of time the meeting takes to complete).
- At a second executive session all evaluation results, including survey results from the Board, will be presented and reviewed by the full School Board. The School Board may meet separately without the Superintendent to discuss his/her performance. The SEC chair will facilitate the session. (NOTE: It is suggested that this executive session be held as a Special Board Meeting due to the length of time the meeting takes to complete).
- Based on the above executive session, the SEC completes the summative performance evaluation (Exhibit A – Summative Performance Evaluation form) form which will include recommended salary and contract length. It is at this time that the SEC negotiates salary and contract terms with the Superintendent.
- At the last School Board meeting in June, in executive session, to include the Superintendent, the SEC presents to the full School Board the completed Summative Performance Evaluation, recommends the Superintendent’s employment contract period and wage adjustment commensurate with the Superintendent’s performance level. After completion of the executive session, the employment contract period and annual wage are approved by the full Board.
Updated September 2019