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File CB: School Superintendent



To select a Superintendent, a majority vote of all members of the Board shall be required. He/she may be appointed to a contract of up to five (5) years in accordance with the laws of the State of Maine, and said contract shall always end on the thirtieth (30th) day of June.

The Superintendent shall be executive officer of the Board. In addition, under Maine States he/she shall serve as secretary ex-officio to the Board. He/she shall attend all meetings and have the right to speak on all subjects, but shall have no vote.

The Superintendent shall administer and supervise the public educational system of the towns. He/she shall have discretionary authority, subject to later approval by the Board, to act upon all emergency matters and those as to which his/her power and duties are not particularly set forth or limited.

The Superintendent shall devote his/her entire working time to the duties of the position. He/she may, without violation of the provisions of this section, perform educational functions outside the town with the approval of the Commissioner of Education and the Board.

LEGAL REFERENCE: Title 20A MRSA Section 1001; 1053
CROSS REFERENCE: CBI-Evaluation of the Superintendent

FIRST READING: February 16, 1995
SECOND READING: March 9, 1995
ADOPTION: March 9, 1995