File DJA: Purchasing Authority
The Superintendent and (through him/her) the Business Manager shall be authorized to commit the District to budgeted expenditures through purchasing procedures that includes advance requisition requests with approved purchase orders or approved reimbursement for expenditures, as appropriate.
The Board of Directors shall provide advance approval for re-allocation of District funds within budget warrant articles in the District’s operating budget for budget transfers exceeding five thousand dollars ($5,000). The Superintendent shall approve a re-allocation of District funds for budget transfers up to five thousand dollars ($5,000). Any re-allocation of District funds between or among budget warrant articles requires advance approval by the Board.
The Business Manager shall be responsible for ensuring that budget allocations are observed and the total expenditures do not exceed the amount allocated in the budget for all items. School principals and program directors shall be responsible for observing budget allocations within their respective accounts. This task is facilitated by strict adherence to the above-referenced purchasing procedures system. Each shall also serve as custodian of any activity accounts for their schools or programs, and be responsible for the proper handling and disbursement of funds within their purview.
FIRST READING: | August 10, 1989 |
SECOND READING: | August 24, 1980 |
ADOPTION: | August 24, 1980 |
FIRST READING OF REVISIONS: | September 26, 2019 |
ADOPTION OF REVISIONS: | October 10, 2019 |