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File EBC: M.S.A.D. NO. 75 Crisis Response


It is the policy of M.S.A.D. No. 75 to maintain a safe, orderly, civil and positive learning environment and to take the steps necessary to help prevent crisis situations and respond to an unexpected crisis quickly and appropriately. While the very unexpected nature of a crisis may make prevention difficult, the Board believes that staff and students should be ready to respond quickly and appropriately to emergency situations.


Examples of a crisis include criminal acts, disease, epidemic, physical injury or death, the presence of intruders on school premises, hazardous material spills, natural disasters or bomb threats.


The Superintendent is directed to create school crisis prevention and response plans and administrative procedures that identify how students and staff should respond in emergency situations and the role that local emergency service providers will play in crisis preparedness and management. This will include appropriate training and establishment of crisis response teams in the schools; consultation and cooperation with community agencies, such as police, fire, emergency medical, health and youth authorities; and the publication of emergency procedures for such situations as can be imagined.

Generally, the Principal or his/her designee will organize and oversee the planning and operation of the crisis response team and will serve as the incident response team leader, according to the crisis response procedures. The plan will be reviewed annually and practiced in scheduled drills.

Following a major incident, the crisis response team will debrief and review the effectiveness of the response and present a report and any recommendations for the future to the Superintendent.


The staff shall follow all guidelines outlined in the crisis response procedures and staff handbooks when practicing routine drills and when responding to actual emergency situations. Staff suspected of involvement in causing a crisis will be held accountable and dealt with in accordance with State/ federal Law and District policy.


Students shall follow all guidelines outlined in the crisis response procedures and student handbook when practicing routine drills and when responding to actual emergency situations.

Students suspected of involvement in causing a school crisis will be held accountable and shall be dealt with in accordance with the school’s discipline policy and State/federal Law. An incident may also be referred to law enforcement for possible criminal charges or for the school to pursue civil litigation.

FIRST READING: February 17, 2005
SECOND READING: March 10, 2005
ADOPTION: March 10, 2005