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File EEA: Student Transportation Services







    1. The District will provide transportation for all students living beyond a reasonable distance from their school or from a scheduled bus stop.These distances include the following:Kindergarten, up to approximately three-tenths (3/10th ) of a mile; Grades 1-5, up to approximately one-half (1/2) mile; Grades 6-12, up to approximately one (1) mile, unless there is a safety issue as determined by the Transportation Director.

      Exceptions to the above distances shall be made for the following reasons:

      1. A student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan requires transportation.An exception may also be made to accommodate a student’s health condition with written documentation from the student’s physician.
      2. There are requirements to meet federal or state statutes.


      3. There are hazardous walking conditions, as determined by the Director of Transportation or Superintendent of Schools.


      4. Poor road conditions or the absence of a turn-around for the school bus make it difficult to establish a bus stop closer to a student’s home.




    1.         Bus stops shall be designated by the Superintendent of Schools through the Transportation Director.

    2.         Designated bus stops will be chosen with concern for the safety of the children involved. 

    3.         For pupils in Grades K-5, a bus driver shall transport only those students who are assigned to his/her bus.  When returning home students shall be transported only to the original pick-up point and shall not be permitted to disembark at other points or to ride other buses, unless an exception has been granted under the provisions of other sections of this policy.

    4.         Pupils shall not be picked up at places other than designated bus stops.

    5.         Once on board the bus, a pupil will not be discharged for disciplinary reasons before reaching the school or his/her designated bus stop.  However, if in the judgment of the driver, the driver or any passenger is endangered by physical harm a second district vehicle shall be dispatched to transport the student to the pupil's designated stop.

    6.         Due to the rural and sometimes isolated locations of some of our bus stops, pupils in Kindergarten and First Grade will not be dropped off without a parent or designated guardian there to meet them.  Exceptions to let older siblings, neighbors or non-family members meet children at their home bus stops must be made in writing and submitted to the school administrator and bus driver.  In the event there is no one to meet a student at his/her designated bus stop the Transportation Department will attempt to contact the parents and the student will be returned to the school.




    Late buses are provided for Mt. Ararat Middle School and Mt. Ararat High School students involved in after-school activities.  These buses are only intended to provide a ride back to a point in the community for those students taking part in afternoon activities.  Students are dropped at established locations in each community where they can be picked up by their parents.  If students live on the established route they can be dropped at or near their homes.




    1.         Any person in disagreement with a decision made by the Transportation Director relating to this policy may appeal to the Superintendent of Schools.  If the person is in disagreement with the Superintendent's decision, the issue may be appealed to the Transportation Committee.  If the person is in disagreement with the Committee’s decision, the issue may be appealed to the Board of Directors.  In the event of an appeal to the Board of Directors, the Superintendent shall include the matter on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board.

    2.         Requests for exceptions to the mileage limits described in Section I of this policy shall be made through the Transportation Director and the Superintendent of Schools.  A record of all exceptions made under Section 1 shall be maintained by the Transportation Director.  These exceptions shall be reviewed on an annual basis before the beginning of the school year.                                   

    3.         K-5 pupils must ride the bus they have been assigned.  An exception will be made only if a written request is submitted to the School Principal and an overload situation does not exist. School principals may grant the following exceptions after consultation with the Transportation Director: 

    a.         A student is permitted to take different buses to and from school to accommodate up to two consistent childcare arrangements. 

    b.         A student is permitted to take different buses to and from school for a single day or a short term to accommodate emergency situations, family crises, or unusual circumstances that require a bus change.


    c.         The District may add a bus stop on an established bus route for a resident student who lives outside the boundaries of the school the student is authorized to attend.  However, the District will not alter a bus route to transport a student who lives outside the geographical area serviced by his/her respective school.


    Parents of K-5 pupils who wish to have their child get off the bus at a place other than their home or regular bus stop must provide a written notice to the building administrator and bus driver.


    In all instances, exceptions for transportation will only be provided on a space available basis.  A record of all exceptions made under this section shall be maintained by the building administrator.




1.         Parents must provide transportation for their children if large objects or pets are to be taken to school.                                                                                               

2.         Students suspended out-of-school or from riding a bus shall not be allowed to ride school buses during the suspension period.

  1. Drivers shall not permit any person other than a pupil, teacher, chaperone, school official, mechanic, police or security officer to ride the bus without written consent from the Transportation Director.


  2. Students residing outside the District but attending district schools through Superintendents’ agreements will not be provided transportation.




School bus operators are required to pass a yearly physical examination as administered by a district physician.  If the school bus operator wishes to have his or her yearly physical administered by a physician of the driver's choice then he or she is responsible for paying for the examination.  This policy shall also apply to van drivers.




All requests for non-school use of school buses must be made in writing and submitted to the Superintendent of Schools for approval.  Use of school buses is acceptable under the following conditions.

  1. Such use does not interfere with or limit normal school programs.


  2. The organization contracting for the bus(es) pays for the direct costs of operation, such as fuel, oil, operator's fee and insurance, and reimburses the District for a charge per mile to help cover depreciation and maintenance as required by the Department of Education.


ADOPTED:                                                   September 25, 1980

AMENDED:                                                   January 9, 1987

ADOPTED:                                                   February 28, 1991

AMENDED (FIRST READING):                April 12, 2001

AMENDED (SECOND READING):           April 26, 2001

AMENDED (ADOPTED):                            April 26, 2001

AMENDED (FIRST READING):                November 21, 2002

AMENDED (SECOND READING):           December 12, 2002

AMENDED (ADOPTED):                            December 12, 2002

AMENDED (FIRST READING):                October 8, 2009

AMENDED (SECOND READING):           November 5, 2009

AMENDED (ADOPTED):                            November 5, 2009

AMENDED (FIRST READING):                July 11, 2019

AMENDED (SECOND READING):           August 8, 2019

AMENDED (ADOPTED):                            August 8, 2019

