File EG: Use of Am/Fm Radios on District-Provided Student Transportation
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance for bus drivers, other staff, students, and parents as to the use of AM/FM radios on the school buses and other District vehicles being used to transport students. Music is an important part of our educational experience and assists school bus operators with the management of passengers. However, broadcast messages included within commercial radio broadcasting systems, both public and private, raise potential quality and content issues. The District bears the same legal responsibilities for students riding in District-provided transportation as it does for students in a classroom. Therefore, special care must be exercised to avoid broadcasting questionable or undesirable materials.
A. All drivers of M.S.A.D. No. 75-leased or owned vehicles will maintain an AM/FM radio volume consistent with the individual driver’s need to concentrate on the task of safely transporting the students.
B. All drivers will turn off the AM/FM radio while checking railroad crossing and while in schoolyards.
C. Drivers for athletic trips and field trips will consult coaches, faculty advisors, and chaperones prior to operating AM/FM radios in order to determine whether said operation is desired.
D. The AM/Fm radio receivers to be operated on a school bus or other District vehicles are the in-dash receivers. Drivers will not use portable radios or headphones.
E. All drivers of District-owned or leased vehicles must exercise caution and discretion in determining what commercial audio programming will be played while transportation students to and from school and to other events or activities. Music or programming containing repetitive use of profanity, explicit sexual content, or any racial slurs, or that is insensitive to students’ rights as articulated in the District Affirmative Action and other policies, will not be played.
F. If a complaint is or has been received from a student, parent, staff member, or citizen, the driver will take necessary action to avoid playing the objectionable material until the complaint can be reviewed by the driver and the Transportation Director. Under no circumstances may a driver continue to play objectionable material after a complaint has been made.
G. Once a complaint has been received and reviewed, a final decision made be made in writing by the Transportation Director and shared with all drivers. Failure of drivers to comply with this policy will be handled in accordance with the existing disciplinary procedures.
FIRST READING: May 8, 2003
SECOND READING: May 22, 2003
ADOPTION: May 22, 2003