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File GBD: Placement on The Salary Scale


Teachers new to M.S.A.D. No. 75 will be placed on the salary scale according to degree status and years of teaching experience.

The Superintendent of Schools is authorized by the Board of Directors to determine salary based on these criteria. The teacher’s signing of his/her contract will constitute an agreement between the District and the teacher that the teacher understands and accepts the salary placement terms of employment and their application under subsequent contracts.

The following guidelines are used to assign years of experience:
Credit will be given for years of teaching experience under a professional teaching contract with state certification. Such credit will be applied as one (1) year for six (6) months or more of employment. Experience as a student teacher, substitute teacher, intern or Educational Technician is not applicable. Experience outside K-12 education will not be applicable, and credit will not be given for time taught without state certification.

Non-teaching professionals who fall under the Negotiated Agreement (e.g., social workers, school nurses) will be credited for experience under the credentials necessary for school system employment working with children within the K-12 age groups. Time in training or in internships will not be applied.

To be placed in the appropriate degree column, a teacher must have completed the degree or requisite number of credits. Credit across the salary schedule towards MAS or CAS attainment levels will be granted only for courses at the graduate level approved by the Superintendent because of relevance to the teacher’s field or performance responsibilities.

Because teachers bring different and unique experiences to initial employment with the District, the Superintendent retains some latitude when applying these guidelines.

FIRST READING: September 25, 2008
SECOND READING: October 9, 2008
ADOPTION: October 9, 2008