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File GBE: Safety Policy


M.S.A.D. No. 75 is committed to providing a safe educational and working environment for all students and staff. It is the goal of the District to create an atmosphere where the prevention of accidents and injuries, safety awareness and compliance of applicable state and federal laws becomes the responsibility of everyone.

To accomplish this goal, everyone must:

• Strive to follow established safety practices.
• Be proactive in preventing accidents and injuries.
• Become aware of safety protocols through education and training.
• Identify and communicate potential hazards to administrators and supervisors.

This policy is a guide for all employees in establishing their responsibility to promote a safe working environment. A safe workplace is a combination of the efforts of administration, supervisors and employees. No one group can accomplish this task alone.

Policy Responsibilities:

Administration (includes Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Principals and Directors)
Administration is charged with the responsibility of providing employees and students with a safe school and work environment by promoting safe practices and maintaining safe facility conditions. To meet this goal, Administration will:

• Ensure adherence to all safety policies and procedures by personnel under their direction.
• Provide leadership and direction necessary for administering school and/or departmental safety policies.
• Access resources to ensure adequacy of equipment, tools, supplies and support that promote a safe environment.
• Promote safety training and education for their staff.
• Hold each employee under their direction accountable for an explanation of the preventable injuries, collisions and liabilities incurred by his/her employees.

Supervisors (includes Principals, Directors, Department Heads and Supervisors)
Each Supervisor shall be fully responsible and accountable to the Superintendent for compliance of safety policies and procedures within his/her school or department. To meet this goal, Supervisors will ensure that:
• All personnel are briefed and have an understanding of their responsibilities in relationship to workplace safety.
• All employees are trained in regard to the proper way to accomplish their job responsibilities.
• All employees are instructed and understand the use and need for personal protective equipment relating to their job.
• Procedures are in place for school personnel to report dangerous practices and unsafe conditions along with encouragement to staff to make recommendations for deficiencies found in the facilities, work procedures, employee job knowledge or attitudes that adversely affect the District.
• Steps are taken to eliminate, repair or correct potential hazards and to remove unsafe obstacles at each school and department.

Safety Committee (includes Administration, Supervisors and Employees)
The Safety Committee, made up of administration, supervisors and employees, is charged with the development, implementation and maintenance of the District’s safety program. To accomplish this goal, they will:

• Set safety standards for the District, communicating recommendations or revisions to safe practices and procedures.
• Meet on a regular basis for the purpose of discussing accident prevention methods, safety promotion, regulatory compliance and other pertinent areas.
• Conduct facility inspections, making recommendations to Administration on corrective actions.
• Review safety reports and work orders for compliance.
• Promote safety education and training.
• Establish goals for regulatory compliance and safety performance among staff.

Employees are required to exercise due care in the course of their work to prevent injuries to themselves and to their fellow co-workers. To accomplish this goal, employees will:

• Adhere to all safety policies and procedures.
• Promptly report potential unsafe conditions to their immediate supervisor.
• Keep work areas clean and orderly and utilize all safeguards and safety equipment.
• Wear personal protective equipment as necessary.
• Report injuries immediately to the school nurse or immediate supervisor and seek medical attention when required.
• Learn to properly lift and handle equipment.
• Cooperate and take part in District safety training, workshops and meetings as appropriate.

All of us, through our leadership and commitment must accept the challenge to work and learn in an environment free from injury and illness. Our employees, students and community members will all benefit from a school district which has put safety at the top of its priorities.

This policy is not intended to supplant or overrule other safety-related Board policies.

FIRST READING: February 17, 2005
SECOND READING: March 10, 2005
ADOPTION: March 10, 2005