File GCBDA: Temporary Leaves of Absence without Pay
M.S.A.D. No. 75 may grant an unpaid leave of absence at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors to a member of the continuing contract teaching staff who has taught in the District for the four (4) years immediately preceding the date of the application, has the recommendation of the administration, and whose request meets any of the following purposes:
- For further education, training and skill development, either formal or informal, as it relates to his/her present assignment or to allow for movement within the school system;
- For personal health reasons or to care for a member of the immediate family who is ill for an extended period of time
- For foreign teaching assignments or exchange teaching or for service in the Peace Corps, Teacher Corps or Vista OR
- For a parental leave of absence for the purpose of child rearing or after the birth or adoption of a child.
The Board of Directors reserves the right to deny leave requests if, in the judgment of the Board, they would not be profitable to the School District. A teacher denied a leave of absence may request and be granted a meeting with the Superintendent to be provided with an explanation as to why the leave was not approved.
A teacher on unpaid leave may continue enrollment in the insurance program at his/her own expense.
All requests for leaves of absence under Item 1 must be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors by April 1. The April 1 deadline does not apply to Items 2 and 3. A leave shall not extend beyond one (1) year. Leaves granted under Item 1 shall be for a period contained within a single contract year.
While on leave the teacher must notify the Superintendent of Schools by January 15 of a decision to return to M.S.A.D. No. 75. Failure of a teacher to notify the Superintendent by January 15 of his/her decision to return will be considered a resignation.
This policy does not change Article XVIII (XIV) of the Negotiated Agreement with the Merrymeeting Educators Association.
The Board of Directors reserves the right to in part or in whole make exception to the policy when deemed in the best interest of the School District.
FIRST READING: June 13, 1991
SECOND READING: August 18, 1991
ADOPTION: September 1, 1991