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File GCGC: Exchange Teaching


The Board of Directors believes that foreign exchange teaching, when implemented with appropriation precautions, can afford an effective opportunity for professional growth. Because much value can accrue to a local school system by an interchange with teachers of foreign countries, Maine School Administrative District No. 75 will, when appropriate, participate in the foreign exchange teacher program.

Inasmuch as exchange teachers are considered as serving roles as ambassadors and representatives of not only M.S.A.D. No. 75 but also the State of Maine and the United States of America, an applicant shall be an outstanding representative of the teaching profession.


1. Application in writing shall be made to the Superintendent of Schools at least one (1) year prior to the school year under consideration. The Board of Directors and/or Superintendent shall have at least forty-five (45) days to act on the application.

2. An applicant shall be a teacher under continuing contract with the District and shall have actively taught in M.S.A.D. No. 75 schools for the four (4) years immediately preceding the date of application.

3. A leave of absence for a foreign country teacher exchange program shall be for one (1) year only but may be extended for an additional year with mutual consent of the two school systems and the teacher involved. Staff members are encouraged to select positions where the school year runs concurrent to the M.S.A.D. No. 75 school year. These requests are given the highest priority.

4. Conditions covering salary payments and positions on the M.S.A.D. No. 75 salary schedule shall be as follows:

(a) Salary increments and retirement shall accrue, and other benefits shall continue during participation in the program.

(b) M.S.A.D. No.75 teachers on exchange service in foreign countries shall receive their regular salary payments from the District unless paid directly by the school system of the country in which they teach.

(c) Exchange teacher salary includes no extra compensation for positions as department head, and no stipend payments such as may normally be received in M.S.A.D. No. 75 for these services.

5. A staff member of M.S.A.D. No. 75 shall initiate an exchange teaching request by submitting a formal letter of application to the building principal who shall immediately forward it to the Superintendent. The letter of application shall include:

(a) Rationale for the request

(b) How the experience will benefit the professional growth of the staff member, and how the experience will benefit M.S.A.D. No. 75

(c) The specific goals and objectives to be accomplished during the experience

(d) The letter of application will include any implied costs for M.S.A.D. No. 75.

6.The Board’s decision will be based upon the request of the teacher and the recommendation of the school administration and Superintendent of Schools. The Board of Directors shall make the final decision on the replacement teachers.

7. Applications for exchange teaching should not be approved before M.S.A.D. No. 75 is assured by the exchange program of having a fully-qualified and capable replacement teacher in the School District.

8. The exchange will not mandate increased costs for M.S.A.D. No. 75.

FIRST READING: January 10, 1991
SECOND READING: February 14, 1991
ADOPTION: February 14, 1991