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File GCOC: Supervision and Evaluation of Administrative Staff


The Superintendent shall implement and supervise an evaluation system for all administrative personnel.  Recommendations regarding their employment and/or salary status shall be made to the School Board annually.

In accordance with Maine’s Educator Effectiveness Law (20-A MRSA § 13701-13706), the District will implement a performance evaluation and professional growth (PEPG) system consistent with the requirements of Department of Education Rule Chapter 180.  This system, which applies to the evaluation and growth of school principals and assistant principals, must be approved by the School Board.

 For all other administrators, formal evaluations shall be made at least once a year, but more often during the first two years in an administrative capacity.  They shall be conducted according to the following guidelines:

A.        Evaluative criteria for each position shall be in written form and made permanently available to the administrator;

B.        Evaluations shall be made by the Superintendent or immediate supervisor;

C.        Results of the evaluations shall be put in writing and shall be discussed with the administrator;

D.        The administrator being evaluated will have the right to attach a memorandum to the written evaluation; and

E.        Results of all evaluations shall be kept in confidential personnel files maintained at the Superintendent’s Office.

Legal Reference:         Ch. 125 §§ 4.02 (E) (3), 8.08 (Me. Dept. of Ed. Rule

Legal Reference:         20-A MRSA § 13802

                                    Me. Dept. of Ed. Rule Ch. 125 §§ 4.02 (E) (3), 8.08)

                                    Me. Dept. of Ed. Rule Ch. 180

Reference:                   PEPG Resources

FIRST READING:                 October 13, 2016
SECOND READING:           November 17, 2016
ADOPTION:                          November 17, 2016