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File IGA: Curriculum Development and Adoption


In order to improve student achievement, maintain educational excellence, and to incorporate current research in the areas of instruction and learning, the Board recognizes the importance of curriculum development and adoption.


“Curriculum” means the District’s documentation that sets forth the learning expectations for all students, for all content areas of Maine’s system of standards for student learning.  In some cases the standards themselves constitute the learning expectations without further local interpretation.

“Course” means an individual academic course, such as “Algebra I.”

“Course of study” means a broad academic subject area and encompasses all the courses in a given subject area.  For the purpose of this policy, each of the “parameters for essential instruction” as defined in 20-A M.R.S.A. § 6209 (2) is understood to be distinct and individual courses of study.

The Board recognizes that curriculum development, review and evaluation is an ongoing process and that student learning expectations may need to be adjusted or revised to meet educational standards, current research, and to serve the best interests of students and the community. 


A. The Board expects the administration and staff to be aware of changing conditions that may require curriculum review.

B. The Board expects that all programs be aligned to the adopted curriculum. (See Policy IL – Evaluation of Instructional Programs)

C. The Board expects the school system to undertake intensive curriculum revision as needed.

D. The Superintendent is expected to lead the ongoing curriculum development and review process, and in aligning curriculum with educational standards and with advances in knowledge, educational research and “best practices.” 

E. The Board expects that curriculum development and revision will be achieved with appropriate involvement of administrators, instructional and support staff, students, parents, community and the Board.

F. The Board shall with recommendations from the Superintendent and the Curriculum Committee, review and adopt all curriculum guides, course descriptions and courses of study prior to their implementation. 

The Superintendent is expected to develop procedures and timelines for the development, implementation and evaluation of the curriculum and to provide the Board with an annual report on the status of the District’s curricula.

The Superintendent is expected to make recommendations concerning professional development needed for curriculum implementation. 

FIRST READING: March 14, 2013

SECOND READING: March 28, 2013

ADOPTION: March 28, 2013