File IGDB-R: Web Publication Guidelines
(supplement to Acceptable Use Policy –Rev. 3/26/98)
The responsibility for the content of any material published on the Web using M.S.A.D. No. 75 hosts lies with the faculty member or stipend-holder by whom or for whose course or activity the material was written or produced.
The Guidelines below are the District-wide policy to be used in deciding acceptability of content:
M.S.A.D. No. 75 does not define web publishing as constituting a public forum, limited or otherwise.
*available everywhere
Content of material published on the Internet
1. Reflects excellence (at grade level, if student-generated);
2. Provides a service to the school, community, or larger world;
3. Serves M.S.A.D. No. 75’s purpose as an institution, i.e., our curricula and activities;
4. Does not violate copyright;
5. Adheres to applicable School Publication Guidelines;
6. Does not violate student or staff confidentiality, and;
7. Makes clear that “contents are the responsibility of the author, and are not to be taken as representing M.S.A.D. No. 75 or its Board of Directors.”
*available only within the District or building
Content of material published on the Intranet
1. Serves M.S.A.D. No. 75 purpose as an institution, i.e., our curricula and activities;
2. Adheres to “fair use” criteria regarding copyright;
3. Adheres to applicable School Publication Guidelines;
4. Does not violate student or staff confidentiality, and;
5. Makes clear that “contents are the responsibility of the author, and are not to be taken as representing M.S.A.D. No. 75 or its Board of Directors.”
In addition to the items above, material published on the Web shall also conform to these following criteria, derived from the school’s general Publication Guidelines:
Acceptability of content shall be determined in accordance with the following criteria:
1. No obscenity, overt or implied, is allowed in articles or pictures (Definition A).
2. Vulgarity, indecency and profanity are now allowed.
3. Expression may be curtailed if under the circumstances there is possibility of violence or of a substantial disruption of school activities (Definition B).
4. Material creating danger of libel is not acceptable (Definition C).
5. Material invading the privacy of others, or creating danger of psychological or other harm to others, is not acceptable.
6. Material insulting to religious, ethnic or racial groups is not acceptable.
A. “Obscenity” refers to that quality of description, in whatever form, of nudity or sexual activity which
1. predominately appeals to the prurient, shameful or morbid interest of minors;
2. is patently offensive to the prevailing standards of the adult community as a whole with respect to what is suitable material for minors; and
3. is utterly without redeeming social importance for minors;
B. A “disruption of school activities” refers to:
1. violation of school discipline and school rules;
2. lack of attention in class, assembly or other official school activities;
3. disorder or excessive noise in the school library or elsewhere on campus;
4. lack of attendance at required school events including classes; or
5. other disruptions or interferences with normal school processes, functions or purposes.
C. “Libel” refers to publication or disruption or distribution of false printed statements which are not privileged and are damaging to a person’s reputation.
revised 12/22/97
FIRST READING: June 25, 1998
SECOND READING: July 9, 1998
ADOPTION: July 9, 1998