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File IGDC: Procedures for Using Personally-Owned Computer Devices In MSAD 75


Personally-owned laptop computers, PDA’s or tablet PC’s are permitted in M.S.A.D. No. 75 schools only under the following conditions:

  • Using a personally-owned computer or other technology device must not deprive others of access to the schools’ computing resources.
  • Use of personally-owned computers at school is solely for school-related tasks in compliance with the M.S.A.D. No. 75 Acceptable use Policy.
  • M.S.A.D. No. 75 bears no liability whatsoever for theft or loss of personally-owned laptops, attached peripheral devices or data on these devices.
  • Use of personally-owned technology devices on the school network will be subject to monitoring for violations.


The extent of the M.S.A.D. No. 75 technology staff’s support of personally-owned devices is limited to:

  • Initial inspection of the device
  • Connecting devices to the network, school printers and file servers
  • Periodic inspection of the device if deemed necessary

Before a computing device is permitted on the school network, a student must take the device to an identified technology staff person who will register and inspect it for:

  • Virus protection
  • Malware and spyware protection
  • An airport card (if student is planning on using the school network)
  • Clearly identifiable network name
  • Hardware network address

Technology support staff will review the Acceptable Use Policy with the student prior to any use of the device on school premises.

M.S.A.D. No. 75 does not make recommendation of hardware brands.

Students are responsible for purchasing their own software.                                                                       

It is expected that software on personally-owned devices will be compatible with that in use within M.S.A.D. No. 75, and that M.S.A.D. No.75 is not expected to provide support for personal computer hardware or software.

Students cannot expect technology support of personally-owned devices beyond the initial connection of devices to the network, school printers and the file server.

The network is the property of M.S.A.D. No. 75 and is provided for the educational use of all students. Technology staff and administrators have the right to immediately remove the device and/or access from the network and/or revoke authorization for school use when, in the opinion of technology staff or administrators, the device, or the student’s use of the device, violates school policy or in any way threatens or endangers the network.

FIRST READING:               September 25, 2008
SECOND READING:          October 9, 2008
ADOPTION:                         October 9, 2008