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File IGEA: Adult Education for High School Age Students


State Law provides admission to Adult Education programs for any resident, 17 years or age or above, who is not pursuing a full-time high school diploma program, and requires the approval of the local Board of Education and Director of Adult Education for the admission of persons less than 17 years of age to Adult Education programs.

The M.S.A.D. N. 75 Adult and Community Education Program will provide educational services to high school age students not enrolled in the regular school program with the following limitation.  No student under the age of 16 will be allowed to earn high school diploma credits in an adult education program unless approved by the Superintendent of Schools.  

A Positive Action Committee shall be formed and convened by the Superintendent or his/her designee, and the Adult Education program shall have representation on said committee.

The Student Services Department of Mt. Ararat High School will notify the Adult Education Office of all drop-outs as soon as possible for the purpose of further counseling.


Students over the age of 16 and enrolled in a particular program or study at Mt. Ararat High School or Brunswick High School may participate in adult education programs to either supplement the regular day program or to satisfy graduation requirements.

(a) Students attending adult education programs to supplement the regular day school program must have the approval of the high school principal and the Adult Education Director.

(b) Students attending adult education programs for completion of diploma requirements shall be referred to adult education, stating the requirements to be fulfilled and the date of graduation.

(c) It is the intention of this service to provide the opportunity for timely graduation.


It is the purpose of the adult education program to provide services to residents of M.S.A.D. No. 75 and Brunswick.  No active day program student from a neighboring unit will be allowed to participate in adult education programs without a superintendent’s referral from the neighboring district which includes:

(a) a statement of need for diploma completion

(b) a statement of the unavailability of an appropriate adult program in the sending district

(c) a statement of acceptability of credit for adult programs

(d) the commitment from the sending district to pay to the Adult Education Program
one-tenth (1/10th ) of the current per-student subsidy allocation for secondary students as tuition
for each course

Students referred will be placed on waiting lists until 24 hours prior to the start of any adult education course scheduled and will be notified if space is available in the course selected.

An Adult Education counselor shall provide services to school-age high school diploma enrollees, and funding for this position shall be provided via the state formula for service to this age group.

FIRST READING:               March 12, 1998
SECOND READING:          March 26, 1998
ADOPTION:                        March 26, 1998