File IHA: Basic Educational Program
The Learning Results as established by the State Legislature and M.S.A.D. No. 75 serve as a foundation for the instructional program Kindergarten through Grade 12 within a school year of 175 instructional days.
The K-12 curricula consists of the M.S.A.D. No. 75 Learning Results established for English Language Arts, Health and Physical Education, Mathematics, Modern and Classical Languages, Science and Technology, Social Studies, the Visual and Performing Arts, and Career Preparation.
Instruction in English Language Arts will prepare students to meet the performance indicators in reading, writing, spelling and standard English conventions, stylistic and rhetorical aspects of writing and speaking, handwriting, research, literature, listening and speaking and communication skills.
Instruction in Health and Physical Education will prepare students to meet the standards as articulated by the Learning Results. Learning Results in Health Education shall include performance standards in health concepts, health information, services and products, health promotion and risk reduction, influences on health, communication, decision-making and goal-setting. Physical Education performance indicators articulate expectations for physical well-being and fitness, self-esteem, self-awareness, sportsmanship, and interpersonal skills. Learning standards will address movement, fine and gross motor skills, and perceptual motor development.
Instruction in the Visual and Performing Arts will prepare students to meet the performance indicators for music, the visual arts, dance and theater through separate or integrated study and will include creative expression, cultural heritage, criticism and aesthetics.
Instruction in Mathematics will prepare students to meet the performance indicators for numbers and number sense, computation, data analysis and statistics, probability, geometry, measurement, patterns, relations, functions, algebra concepts, discrete mathematics, mathematical reasoning and communication.
Instruction in Modern and Classical Languages will prepare students to meet the performance standards for person-to-person communication, reading, listening, and viewing for understanding, oral and written presentations, workings of language, cultural practices and perspectives, and cross-cultural connections and comparisons.
Instruction in Social Studies will prepare students to meet the performance indicators in civics and government, history, geography and economics.
Instruction in Science and Technology shall prepare students to meet the performance indicators in physical, earth and biological sciences with an emphasis on inquiry and problem solving, scientific reasoning, communication and technological implications.
Maine Studies shall be required in Grades 4 and 8 and shall include Maine history and geography; Maine's natural, economic and industrial resources; and Maine's cultural and ethnic heritage.
Sequential instruction in research skills will be embedded in all programming, including the library curriculum.
Instruction in Career Preparation will prepare students to meet the performance indicators in education and career planning, integrated and applied learning, managing responsibilities, and preparation for the future.
(ORIGINAL) ADOPTION: September 25, 1987
AMENDED: November 18, 1999
RE-CODED FROM IGA TO IHA: March 28, 2013