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File IHB-R: Guidelines Class Size


The Board of Directors will strive to maintain the class size, teaching load, and course enrollment that it deems appropriate for the effective instruction of pupils, recognizing financial constraints.  The Board of Directors recognizes that greater direct teacher contact with pupils contributes to the educational growth of children.  The Board of Directors seeks to balance class size with its ability to finance a higher level of instructional expenditures.



Class Size

Class Size (Average)
Class Size (Average)
Kindergarten 16:1    18:1 14:1
Grades 1-3 18:1  20:1 14:1
Grades 4-5 22:1 25:1 18:1
Grade/Grouping Optimum
Teaching Load
Teaching Load (Average)
Teaching Load (Average)
Grades 6-8 85 90 80
Grades 9-12 A minimum of ten (10) students is to be enrolled in one (1) single class or course.






Class size, teaching load, and course offerings averages exceeding minimum and maximum ranges are subject to review on October 1 and April 1 of each year.
Principals are to provide the Superintendent of Schools and Board of Directors with a written notification and recommendation in instances when class sizes, class loads, and course enrollments exceed ranges.
A written projection of Kindergarten and Grades 9-12 course enrollments is to be submitted to the Superintendent of Schools and Board of Directors by May 1 of each year.

ADOPTION (ORGINAL):                                    April 11, 1991
FIRST READING OF AMENDMENTS:              December 11, 2003
SECOND READING OF AMENDMENTS:         March 24, 2004
ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS:                       March 24, 2004