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File IIAB: Guidelines for Use of Audiovisual Works


Specifically, the M.S.A.D. No. 75 Guidelines For the Use of Audiovisual Works refers to works such as videos, digital videodiscs, QuickTime movies, 16 mm films, laser disks, online media and other similar works.

1. An audiovisual work that is shown should be educationally sound – tied to the curriculum, previewed by the teacher, and presented in a teacher-guided (including substitutes), face-to-face learning activity.

2. The rationale for showing the audiovisual work should be made clear in the lesson plan.

3. Those materials with ratings must fall within the requirements below.  When audiovisual works are not classified with a rating, the following characteristics should be used in lieu of a rating to determine age appropriateness.

  School Level   Film Rating


  Elementary G

Contains nothing in “theme, language, nudity, sex, violence, or other matters” that would offend the majority of parents whose younger children would view the material

  Middle School   G, PG

There may be “some profanity and some depictions of violence or brief nudity.”  Nudity may be more than brief, but may not be sexually oriented.  These elements are not “deemed as so intense as to require that parents be strongly cautioned.”

  High School G, PG, PG-13

May go beyond the PG rating in “theme, violence, nudity, sensuality, language, adult activities or other elements.”  Nudity may be more than brief, but may not be sexually oriented.  There may be violence, but it may not be realistic and extreme, or persistent.

For the purpose of describing audiovisual materials that exceed the age appropriate characteristics listed above, the following defines an “R”- rated film:

These films contain some “adult material,” including “adult themes, adult activity, hard language, intense or persistent violence, sexually oriented nudity, drug abuse or other elements so that parents are counseled” to take the rating seriously.

The principal must pre-approve the use of audiovisual materials that are not age appropriate, or whose content may be controversial.  If not age appropriate and approved, parents need to be notified well in advance of such showing and given the opportunity to exempt their children.  In the case of exemption, an alternative activity with the same learning targets must be assigned.

Under no circumstances can an NC-17 or X-rated work be presented.

Reference: The 2010 Classification and Rating Rules of the Motion Picture Association of America, Inc., and the National Association of Theatre Owners Inc.

FIRST READING:        June 13, 2013           

SECOND READING:  June 27, 2013

ADOPTION:                June 27, 2013