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File IIBD: Community Use of Learning Commons Materials


Any non-profit community group within the M.S.A.D. No. 75 district, or serving district students, may borrow schoolbooks and equipment if it does not interfere with regular student and/or teacher needs. Any profit-making group must make arrangements with the learning commons staff and will be asked to pay a fee as determined by district and/or school administration.

Appropriate arrangements must be made with learning commons personnel.

Any resident of M.S.A.D. No. 75 may borrow books and audiovisual equipment if the materials are not at time in high demand by school faculty and/or students. The librarian will make that decision. Fees and deposits may be charged according to a schedule established by administration.

FIRST READING: June 27, 2013
SECOND READING: July 11, 2013
ADOPTION: July 11, 2013