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File IK: Graduation Requirements



M.S.A.D. No. 75 students must meet the credit and other graduation requirements specified in this policy in order to receive a diplomas and participate in graduation.

The Superintendent, through the high school principal or other designee, shall be responsible for making accurate information concerning diploma requirements available to incoming students and their parents prior to the start of their ninth grade school year.  A copy of this policy will be disseminated to all incoming ninth grade students at the time of course selection.  This policy will also be included in every edition of the high school student handbook.

The Board has approved the following schedule of minimum requirements for graduation, which includes minimum requirements specified by the State of Maine.  The Board is aware that current law and regulations are subject to change.

As a minimum for graduation from Mt. Ararat High School, the prospective graduate must have successfully completed a total of 21.25 credits at the secondary level (Grades 9-12). 

A.        The required credits are:

English – four (4) credits 

Mathematics – three (3) credits;

Social Studies – three (3) credits;

Science – three (3) credits;

Fine Arts (which may include art, music, creative writing or drama) – one (1) credit;

Health – one-half (1/2) credit;

Physical Education – one (1) credit; and

Advisory Program and the Capstone Project – one and one-quarter (1.25) credits.

B.        The remaining four and one-half (4.5) credits may be selected by the student based on his/her interest, satisfaction of course prerequisites, and requirements of the field that he/she plans to enter upon graduation.

C.        Region 10 Technical High School students must earn a minimum of 21.25 credits with the following modifications to credit requirements allowed based on the number of years a student attends Region 10 Technical High School.

            Number of years at Region Ten      Modification


                       2                                              Regular graduation requirements apply.


3                                              May graduate with two (2) credits in two (2) of the following:  Social Studies, Science, and Math.  All other graduation requirements apply.


4                                              Two (2) credits in Social Studies, Science and Math.  All other graduation requirements apply.



A student who is deficient in the above-referenced requirements or wishes to meet the requirements through alternative means may earn and apply credits in accordance with the provisions of this section with prior written approval, and may participate in the next regular graduation ceremony following successful completion of all graduation requirements.

A.        A student may earn credits through the Merrymeeting Adult Education Program with prior written approval from the Director of Adult Education, School Counselor, Department Chair, and Principal.

B.        A student may obtain credits through summer school in classes that he/she completed at Mt. Ararat High School but did not pass with prior written approval from the School Counselor, Department Chair, and Principal. 

C.        A student may earn credits through distance learning/virtual courses with prior written approval from the School Counselor, Department Chair, and Principal, and provided that progress is monitored by a member of the high school’s professional staff.

D.        Advanced courses or courses not available at Mt. Ararat High School may be taken at other secondary schools or at approved post-secondary institutions with prior written approval from the School Counselor, Department Chair, and Principal.

E.        A student may earn credits through independent study with prior written approval from the School Counselor, Department Chair, and Principal and monitored by the teacher(s) of the subject(s) to which the independent study is related. 


In order to be awarded a high school diploma, students receiving special education services must meet the above-referenced requirements by the date in the post-secondary transition plan of the Individual Educational Plan (IEP).  The student’s IEP, which is the determined by the student’s IEP team, may indicate alternate requirements and/or alternate methods of meeting the requirements for a diploma.


A.        Transfer students and home-schooled students – For students who transfer to Mt. Ararat High School from another educational program, the Mt. Ararat High School Principal shall determine which graduation requirements have been met, as well as any areas that require continued study.

B.        Delayed awarding of diplomas – A student who leaves Mt. Ararat High School to attend an accredited, degree-granting institution of higher education may upon satisfactory completion of the freshman year be awarded a high school diploma, provided that the student has notified the principal at the time of the early admission.  In addition, a Mt. Ararat High School student who has satisfactorily completed the junior and senior years in a dual enrollment career and technical education program formed pursuant to Chapter 229 may be eligible to receive a Mt. Ararat High School diploma, although the student may not meet the graduation requirements.

C.        Early awarding of diplomas – A student who has met the graduation requirements in fewer than four (4) years of high school may be awarded a diploma with prior written approval from the Principal.

D.        Extended study – Students are eligible for extended years of study to complete the requirements of a diploma if they have not reached the age of 20 at the start of the school year (July 1).  Students eligible for extended years of study may be referred to adult education or other resources suitable to young learners.  Extended study for students with disabilities shall be specified in the student’s Individualized Education Plan.


FIRST READING:               January 24, 2019

SECOND READING:          February 7, 2019

ADOPTION:                         February 7, 2019