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File IKF: Awarding of High School Diplomas to Veterans of World War II


The Board recognizes that Maine Law provides that a secondary school may award a high school diploma, provided that certain requirements are met, to a person who left secondary school prior to graduation to serve in the Armed Forces during World War II or in the Korean Conflict, or to serve in the Armed Forces during the Vietnam Era (February 28, 1961-May 7, 1975).

The Board authorizes the Superintendent to develop and implement procedures regarding applications for diplomas, including timelines, and for determining whether veterans have met the criteria established by Law. The Superintendent may also determine the time and manner in which a veteran’s diploma may be presented.  

Legal reference: 20-A M.R.S.A. § 4722 (6)

Ch. 127 §7.02 (C) (2) (Me. Dept. of Ed. Rules)

FIRST READING: January 26, 2012

SECOND READING: February 9, 2012

ADOPTION: February 9, 2012