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File IL: Evaluation of Instructional Programs


The evaluation of instructional programs shall be a major responsibility of the Superintendent and his/her staff with periodic reports being presented to the Board to enable judgments to be made on the success and/or future of the program.  No instructional program should be considered as the final answer, and all school programs shall be under continuous study by the staff.  It should be borne in mind that instruction is the primary responsibility of the schools, and all other activities are merely subsidiary.  This being the case, the evaluation of the instructional program shall be done with great care and the Board kept informed at all times.


“Instructional Program” means the collection of practices and materials that support a content area (currently identified as “parameters for essential instruction,” defined in 20-A M.R.S.A §6209(2).)

 The Board expects that all programs be aligned to the adopted curriculum and be subject to ongoing evaluation to ensure that they meet the learning needs of students.

The Superintendent is expected to develop procedures and timelines for the evaluation of instructional programs, and to provide the Board with a report on the results of each evaluation.

Cross Reference: IGA - Curriculum Development and Adoption

FIRST READING: March 14, 2013

SECOND READING: March 28, 2013

ADOPTION: March 28, 2013