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File ILA: Testing Programs


M.S.A.D. No. 75 shall have a comprehensive assessment system designed to inform instruction and to determine student progress toward meeting the Maine Learning Results content area performance standards.  The comprehensive assessment system will align with the District and Maine Learning Results and will include the Maine Educational Assessment at Grades 4, 8 and 11.

The purpose of the District’s comprehensive assessment system is to produce high quality information about student performance that will inform teaching, enhance learning, monitor the District’s students’ achievement of the Learning Results content standards, and certify that achievement to the Board of Directors and the State.

The comprehensive assessment system shall meet the standards specified in Chapter 127, Section 4.D.  It will provide multiple measures of student performance in each content area and for each grade span at the classroom, school, District and State levels.  The Maine Educational Assessment at Grades 4, 8 and 11 will help determine student achievement of State performance standards at those grade levels.  Students will be provided multiple and alternative opportunities to demonstrate their level of performance.

FIRST READING:                                              October 8, 1987
SECOND READING:                                         October 20, 1987
ADOPTION:                                                       October 20, 1987
FIRST READING OF AMENDMENTS:              May 8, 2003
ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS:                       May 22, 2003