File JECA: Pupils: Admission of Resident Students
A student must reside in one of the member towns of M.S.A.D. No. 75 in order to attend District schools.
If the student is under eighteen (18) years of age, and his/her parents do not reside within the District, he/she must reside with a legal guardian.
Students not now living with a legal guardian must immediately make arrangements with the Probate Court in Sagadahoc (Bowdoin, Bowdoinham, Topsham) or Cumberland (Harpswell) Counties to have guardianship papers executed and file a copy of the papers with the Superintendent of Schools and the principal of the school within thirty (30) days of the date he/she is enrolling in the school.
Students eighteen (18) or over living on their own will be required to file proof of age and a signed statement that they are in fact residing in the District.
It is understood that any exception to this policy (such as exchange students or other temporary student) may be cleared by the Superintendent of Schools.
ADOPTION: September 25, 1980