File JFCIAA: Student Assistance Team
As a concerned group of school personnel, the Student Assistance Team (SAT) is dedicated to helping students and parents find assistance for dealing with problems which interfere with a healthy, productive lifestyle and put students at risk of personal or school failure. The Team assists through individual assessment, plan development, referral and coordination of services.
The function of the SAT is to identify and redirect students exhibiting at-risk behaviors before they experience school or social failure. At-risk behaviors include, but are not limited to, failing grades; depression; absenteeism and truancy; physical, emotional, and sexual abuse; self-injury or suicidal tendencies; and drug/alcohol use, abuse and dependency.
The SAT serves as a systematic prevention/intervention process which makes it possible for school personnel to determine which students are having problems and refer them for help. The Team is comprised of individuals employed by the District. Others may be invited on a case-by-case basis.
Section 504 P.L. 03-112 (Rehabilitation Act of 1973)
FIRST READING: May 8, 2003
SECOND READING: May 22, 2003
ADOPTION: May 22, 2003