File JHCBA: Employee Exclusion During Public Health Threat
In the event of an actual or threatened outbreak of a communicable disease or other public health threat, M.S.A.D. No. 75 may order that any person attending or working in a school facility may be excluded until the school system determines that a public health threat no longer exists. M.S.A.D. No. 75 may exclude any infected person from attending or working in a school if it determines, based on objective evidence, that the person may pose a direct threat to public health. An individual excluded pursuant to this policy shall be permitted to return to work when the school system determines that return is permissible and will not pose a direct threat to public health. An employee may appeal the exclusion from work and return to work with certification from a doctor that he/she is not infectious. The District may apply either sick leave or paid administrative leave benefits, depending on the circumstances, when exercising this policy. This policy will not interfere with employee contractual rights under a collective bargaining agreement.
FIRST READING: September 24, 2009
SECOND READING: October 8, 2009
ADOPTION: October 8, 2009