File JKF: Disciplinary Removal of Students with Disabilities
When removing students with disabilities from their regular school programs, whether as a result of a suspension, an expulsion, or any other removal covered by State and federal special education laws, it shall be the policy of M.S.A.D. No. 75 to comply fully with all applicable State and federal special education laws that govern such removals.
The Superintendent of Schools, in consultation with the Director of Special Services and other school administrators, may develop and promulgate procedures for implementing this policy, and may from time to time amend those procedures as necessary.
Legal Reference: Ch. 101 § XVII (Me. Dept. of Educ. Riles) (2007)
34 C.F.R. § 300.101, .530-.536 (2006)
FIRST READING: December 13, 2012
SECOND READING: January 10, 2013
ADOPTION: January 10, 2013