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File JOA: Records of Students’ Residency



In accordance with the Certificate of Organization, the cost of operating Maine School Administrative District No.75 shall be shared among the communities of Bowdoin, Bowdoinham, Harpswell and Topsham, as follows:

(1) 50% based on the State valuation of each member town’s real property, as set in the calendar year prior to the District’s fiscal year; and

(2) 50% based on the average number of resident pupils in each town on April 1 and October 1 as reported in the calendar year prior to the District’s fiscal year.

It is the policy of Maine School Administrative District No. 75 to maintain accurate records of the number of students enrolled in its schools, and of the residency of those students.  This information will be used to allocate the responsibility for providing the School District with its annual revenue.


For purposes of this policy, an un-emancipated student shall be deemed a resident of the town in which his/her custodial parent(s) or guardian(s) maintain(s) a legal residence.  An emancipated students shall be deemed a resident of the town in which he/she maintains his/her legal residence.


The following provisions apply to the annual counting of students.


(1)  The principal of each school shall maintain accurate attendance records for all students attending school in M.S.A.D. No.75.  The records shall contain the name of each pupil who enrolls in the school, date of birth, name of parent or guardian, mailing address, residence, telephone number, the dates when entering and leaving the school, the number of days attended and the number of times late for school.

The Superintendent shall provide the Board of Directors with student information at such times during the year as it may require.

(2) Students and/or parents will provide school officials with a statement as to each student’s residence upon:

  • Initial registration;
  • Completion of emergency information cards;
  • Completion of federal school record systems cards;
  • Completion of student information cards;
  • Completion of student grid sheet; or upon a
  • Change of address or residency.

In those instances where the student and/or parental statement presents an ambiguity or question as to the actual municipality of residence, or where the principal has independent information regarding residence which may conflict with the student and/or parental statement, the principal or other school official shall undertake reasonable efforts to determine the legal residence of the parent or guardian.

(3)  The following information about each student shall be “directory information,” which may be disclosed to municipal officials in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C.A., Section 1232g:

  • Name of student;
  • Grade level;
  • Complete mailing address, including rural route number and box number, or Post Office box number;
  • Residence;
  • Telephone number.

(4)   In cases where a parent notifies the Superintendent of Schools that directory information about his or her child should not be released, the Superintendent of Schools will provide the municipal officials of that town in which the student resides with notification that directory information has not been provided for that child, and a statement that the residence of the student in question has been verified.


(1)  In compliance with Maine Law, the Superintendent of Schools shall semi-annually prepare reports of the number of students attending school in M.S.A.D. No. 75 on October 1 and April 1 of each year.

(2)  By October 15 and April 15 of each year, the Superintendent of Schools shall give a report, to be called Notification of Resident Students, to the respective municipal officers of Bowdoin, Bowdoinham, Harpswell and Topsham.  Said report shall consist of directory information for all pupils residing in the respective towns who were enrollment in elementary and secondary schools in M.S.A.D. No. 75 on October 1 and April 1.

(3)  By November 15 and May 15 of each year the municipal officials of each member town may notify the Superintendent of Schools that the Town questions the residency of one or more students attributed to it.

(4) If the Superintendent of Schools determines that the residency of a student specified in a prior report is in error, he shall notify the affected Towns of the adjustment to be made.


The Superintendent of Schools shall semi-annually, by October 15 and April 15, make returns to the Commissioner of Education of the number of resident pupils enrolled in elementary and secondary schools in M.S.A.D. No. 75 on either October 1 or April 1.

The October 1 “Resident Enrollment Report” (EF-M-a) and the April 1 “Resident Enrollment Report” (EF-M-12) shall include the following student information:

(1) The number of pupils for each grade who reside in M.S.A.D. No. 75 and attend public schools in M.S.A.D. No. 75 at local expense;

(2) The number of pupils for each grade who reside in M.S.A.D. No. 75 and attend public or private schools in other local units or private schools within this unit at public expense;

(3) The number of pupils for each grade who attend Governor Baxter School for the Deaf;

(4) A summary of non-resident pupils received and tuition paid by any local unit;

(5) A summary of non-resident pupils and tuition paid by parents;

(6)  A list of the names of the member municipalities of M.S.A.D. No. 75, showing the grade breakdown of pupils residing in those municipalities who attend school at local expense.


The Superintendent of Schools shall maintain a record of the Resident Enrollment Report and Notification of Resident Students for a minimum of three years.

The school principal shall maintain a record of the Resident Enrollment Report and Notification of Resident Students for a minimum of three years.

FIRST READING:               July 9, 1987
SECOND READING:          August 13, 1987
ADOPTION:                        August 13, 1987