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File: KHBA – Revenue Enhancement

Download File: KHBA

The M.S.A.D No. 75 School Board, endeavoring at all times to see that schools have adequate financial support, invites the administration to consider opportunities for revenue enhancement such as sponsorships, grants, advertising, facility naming, and fundraising. Any revenue enhancement opportunity pursued by the district must be consistent with the values and educational mission of the district.

The Board has the exclusive discretion to determine whether to accept or decline any revenue enhancement opportunity. The factors to be considered by the Board include, but are not limited to:

  1. The extent to which such revenue enhancement opportunity limits or restrains the district’s discretion or its ability to pursue other opportunities.
  2. The duration of the arrangement or agreement and the district’s ability/discretion to terminate the arrangement/agreement.
  3. The extent to which the revenue enhancement opportunity imposes any obligation on the district, either presently or in the future, financial, or otherwise and whether the opportunity is subject to conditions acceptable to the district.
  4. The extent to which the revenue enhancement opportunity constitutes a conflict of interest or creates the appearance of or potential for a conflict of interest. The extent to which the revenue enhancement opportunity interjects advertising or commercialism into the schools or classrooms, pursuant to Policy FF – Naming of School Facilities and Policy KHB – Advertising.

The Superintendent may designate an administrator or committee to investigate, evaluate and/or consider potential revenue enhancement opportunities and to report its findings and recommendations to the Board.

Any revenue enhancement opportunity related to the sponsorship naming of school facilities shall be approved pursuant to Policy FF – Naming of School Facilities.

The Superintendent shall implement any administrative procedures necessary to carry out this policy.


  • 20-A MRSA § 1256
  • 20-A MRSA § 4005


  • Policy FF – Naming of School Facilities
  • Policy KHB – Advertising

FIRST READING:  October 17, 2024

SECOND READING:  November 14, 2024

ADOPTION:  November 14, 2024