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KBCA: Communicating with the Public


The Board of Directors believes that one of its paramount responsibilities is to keep the public informed of the operation, programs, progress and problems of the School District.

Public support of the public schools requires informed public opinion.  Accordingly, it is incumbent upon the Board of Directors of M.S.A.D. No. 75 to make accurate interpretations and explanations of information available to the public by various means in order to keep the public informed concerning the schools and events, and goals, plans and actions relating to the schools.  In carrying out this policy, the following shall apply.

The Chair of the Board of Directors shall be the official spokesperson of the Board except when this authority is delegated by the Chair to the Superintendent or another Board member.  When a member of the Board of Directors makes a public statement reflecting his/her personal opinions, the Board member shall clearly state that he/she is expressing a personal opinion and not speaking on behalf of the Board.

On potentially controversial questions, the Board may issue which clarifies the issues involved; however, statement or written information which tend to support a particular side of an issue shall be made only in those instances when the Board has established an official position.

When statements or materials are issued on behalf of the District of the Board of Directors, every feasible effort shall be made to notify members of the Board of Directors in advance of publication.

 Information circulated on behalf of the Board of Directors shall so state.  Newsletters and other information circulated by the administration or by individual schools shall state the name and title of the administrator authorizing the distribution.  Items of opinion shall include the name and appropriate title of the proponent.  Newsletters and attachments may contain information relevant to one or more schools or to the School District or of interest to parents or students and (except for signed articles in the newsletters) shall not be inconsistent with the goals, purposes and positions of M.S.A.D. No. 75.

FIRST READING:               March 26, 1992
SECOND READING:          April 9, 1992
ADOPTION:                        April 9, 1992