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KK: Parent and Visitors Access to School


M.S.A.D. No. 75 encourages the active interest and involvement of parents and citizens in our schools.  At the same time, M.S.A.D. No. 75 schools take a comprehensive approach to providing a safe learning environment for students.  In order to avoid interruption of the instructional program and to insure the safety of students and staff, all of us need to be aware of and participate in the security safeguards that have been set in place at the schools.  Parents and visitors must enter through the main door at all times.  Entrance through the main door is being monitored at all schools.  Parents and visitors must report to the main office upon entering the building so that the school is aware of who is in the building.  The personnel in the main office are responsible for providing visitors with the appropriate identification to go elsewhere in the school, when that is appropriate.
We ask that parents not escort their child to and from class.  The beginning and the end of the school day are particularly busy, and schools at those times are particularly vulnerable because teachers are most easily distracted.  Each school will provide a location for parents to wait for children to be released to them.  School administrators or their designee may make exceptions to this if deemed appropriate.
Parents and visitors wishing to visit classrooms, observe aspects of instruction or meet with staff members should make an appointment in advance.  Teachers and other staff may not use instructional time to discuss individual matters with visitors.  There are also other times in the day when teachers are not available to meet with parents.
Visitors shall comply with all applicable Board policies and school rules.  Visitors who violate these policies/rules and/or disrupt the safe and orderly operation of the school shall be asked to leave the premises.
The school administrator or designee has the authority to refuse entry to school grounds or buildings to persons who do not have legitimate, school-related business and/or who may disrupt the operations of the schools.  This may include, but is not limited to, the news media, profit-making businesses, fund-raisers and other organizations seeking access to students and/or staff.  The school administrator/designee may request the assistance of law enforcement as necessary to deal with unauthorized persons or violations of the Law by visitors to the school.
FIRST READING:               December 11, 2003
SECOND READING:          January 8, 2004
ADOPTION:                        January 8, 2004