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KL-R: Board Complaint and Appeal Procedure


If a complaint remains unresolved after being appealed to the Superintendent or sub-Committee of the Board, the person making the complaint may request the matter to be appealed to the M.S.A.D. No. 75 Board of Directors at the next regular School Board meeting.  The Chair shall determine whether the complaint shall be placed on the agenda. 

If it is determined that the Board of Directors will hear the appeal, the following procedure will apply at the hearing.

The following directions will be read by the Chair and adhered to by Board members:

  1. The issue before the Board will be stated,  .e. whether to uphold the decision made by the Superintendent/sub-Committee or to grant the appellant's appeal for an exception to their request for an exception. 
  2. The Board Chair shall ask all Board members if they are able to fairly and impartially hear the appeal. If not, the Board member shall recuse him/herself.
  3. The appeal is based only on the evidence already submitted in the previous decision making process.  The Chair will state the date of the previous appeal. 
  4. The Board should base the decision on the evidence in record as presented. No new evidence will be admitted during the hearing by the Board.
  5. During testimony, the Board Chair will not allow disparaging remarks of any kind regarding any individual.


  • ●The appellant will have 10 minutes to explain to the Board why an appeal is being brought to the Board of Directors. No new evidence is permissible.
  • ●Board members may ask questions of the appellant, but questions must be submitted through the Chair.Questions should pertain only to the previous investigation.
  • ●The administration will have 10 minutes to explain to the Board why the appellant’s request was not granted.No new evidence is permissible.
  • ●Board members may ask questions of the administration, but questions must be submitted through the Chair.Questions should pertain only to the previous investigation.
  • ●The Board members will deliberate amongst themselves without further questioning or discussion with either the appellant or the administration.The Board may vote whether or not to uphold the previous decision by administration or committee. The Board may choose to defer a decision pending specific, clarifying information.

Cross Reference:       KL –  Complaints

KL-E – Addressing Complaints, Concerns and Issues at the

              Lowest Level

Board review:            March 24, 2022