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A message from the Superintendent

Thank you for choosing to spend your time and share your talents as a school volunteer! It is our hope that the experience will be as beneficial to you as it is to our students.

For many adults, volunteering in a school is a new experience, different from their memories as a child. There is so much to being a good volunteer: you serve as a role model for our students, you assist our staff in meeting the needs of students, and you connect our schools to the community. You become part of each school, learning and sharing with each visit. You make a difference, and we appreciate it very much!

Below you will find our volunteer handbook. Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns. On behalf of the students and employees of MSAD 75, we thank you for volunteering!

Dr. Heidi O’Leary
Superintendent of Schools

Volunteer Handbook

volunteer hands icon

MSAD 75 Volunteer Application

Please send your completed volunteer application to

Volunteer Application